for Sale

We purchased this and other domains for skits, comedy and pranks. We have added keywords and driven traffic to this site regarding Drones, Drone Food Delivery, Drone Delivery and similar.

If it is a domain your are interested in, please inquire through our general contact form via


  1. 5th! How much to buy the domain and stuff?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Where do I sign up I like to this at my school on my senior picnic our last day for seniors at the Duval high school Md my is Eduardo Moranchel olivos

  4. Where do I sign up I like to this at my school on my senior picnic our last day for seniors at the Duval high school Md my is Eduardo Moranchel olivos

  5. Lol. This is a complete prank. It's not real. In the video it says that real food is too heavy for the drone. Sorry guys, it ain't real. 1st! To know the truth!

  6. to those who think this is real it even says here "We purchased this and other domains for skits, comedy and pranks"

  7. Rich Ferguson did this now he’s trying to trick everyone. It’s amazing wat people
    Believe. Fuck u rich ferguson
